Call Affordable Water Today to See How We Can Improve the Water in Your Home or Business.
We offer the Best Water Softening & Filtration Systems on the Market
Affordable Water
3760 Kori Road
Jacksonville, Florida 32257
Phone: (904) 262-0197
Showroom Hours
8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday. Quotes by appointment.
Salt Deliveries
We offer salt delivery! Call us at 904-262-0197 to be put on our salt delivery schedule so that you never run out of salt. We are happy to test your water at no charge on the route.
Our “Salt Sale Day” day is the 1st Saturday of each month from 9 am to noon. It’s a great opportunity to stock up on your ‘salt’ needs and at a reduced sale price. Stop by and check it out.
We also deliver K-Life Sodium Free Water Softener Crystals. (click for PDF)
K-Life Sodium Free Water Softener
Crystals are 98.9% pure potassium
chloride. Potassium is the
healthful alternative
to salt. It softens your water by
replacing the hard water minerals with potassium
instead of sodium.
Call us for more information at 904-262-0197.
Call us today to schedule a service call with one of our knowledgeable technicians, whether you have one of our systems or a competitor‘s system. We are a full service company that provides 24 hour emergency service available 7 days a week. We provide service not only for residential, but for commercial and industrial needs as well.
Call today at 904-262-0197 for a free water analysis and a no obligation quote. We are happy to provide straight answers with no high pressure.